AkStar Lifestyle

We were given the privilege to interview another aspiring New York designer Akeem King. After he briefly interviewed me[Lol] Team AURA's Shane-Oh got the chance to interview Akeem, and he gave some enlightening words.  
Shane - Oh : Why the name?
Akeem : Ahaha. My mother's name is Angela King and I'm her star, Akstar Lifestyle. Everyone calls me Ak short for Akeem and in high school everyone would call me a rock star, but I used to say "nah I'm an Akstar". So that's how the name came about.
ShAnE - Oh : Oh okay, so when did you first start the line?
Akeem : Akstar Lifestyle isn't just a fashion brand. It's a lifestyle brand. I'm an artist and a designer. Fashion is just one of the canvas I exhibit my life on. But to answer your question I started everything back in 2006 when I graduated High School, I handled all the legal stuff then I dropped my first ever piece in May of 2007.
ShAnE - Oh : What's the message your trying to send with Akstar Lifestyle?
Akeem : Just life. I only draw stuff I've been through, feel or going through in my life and hopefully it can touch people the same way music does.
ShAnE - Oh : Oh okay, that's what's up
Akeem : Yeah man
Shane - Oh : So your in control of all the business operations?
Akeem : I'm the sole owner, designer, artist, art director and creative director. I basically do everything. I have my strong F.H.M. Family supporting me with everything else in between though.
Shane - Oh : oh okay
Shane - Oh : What were your original visions for AkStar Lifestyle?
Akeem : I really didn't have any visions, I just illustrate my life. My only vision is SUCCESS and to build the best brand that I can build and hopefully that can be one of the best ever.
Shane - Oh : What would you say was your biggest business flaw,that made you think twice about your future?
Akeem : To be honest, I haven't had any business flaws. I inhale everything in as education. I never thought twice about my future. I think if you have to think twice about anything you shouldn't do it.
Shane - Oh : [Laughs.] True
Akeem : Yeah man
Shane - Oh : Since you take everything as education, what would be some of the things you've learned?
Akeem : I've learned to be more vulnerable when I express myself through fashion and art. I've learned to be an "executor" instead of a "planner". I've learned that if I'm not having fun then I shouldn't be doing what I'm doing. I've also learned that what people think of me or my work isn't any of my business ahaha.
Shane - Oh : [Laughs.]If you were to use one word to sum up your personal style, what would it be?
Akeem : I'll have to use 3 words. MY COMFORT ZONE.[Laughs.]

Shane - Oh : [Laughs.] So it's safe to say your style reflects what's produced then?
Akeem : Yeah it's safe.[Laughs.]
Shane - Oh : What exactly makes up your individual style?
Akeem : Life. Prince. Lady Gaga. The Lower Eastside. My Father.[Laughs.]

Shane - Oh : Oh okay, Do you think AkStar stands out from the rest?
Akeem : Of course, because It's my life illustrated on the canvas of fashion. It's just a diary of my life that people can relate to if they read between the threads ahaha. No one has lived or will live my life. It's just instinces that people can connect with.
Shane - Oh : oh okay
Akeem : Yeah man
Shane - Oh : over the past years we seen some different styles, What style or overall trends do you think needs to end?
Akeem : I think trends should end period ahaha. I don't really follow up on trends, but the rebirth of the 80's is kind of annoying.
Shane - Oh : It's about time someone realized that.[Laughs.]

Shane - Oh : How is AkStar coming along?
Akeem : It's growing.
Shane - Oh : Where do you want it to grow, where do you want to stand?
Akeem : As a designer I want to be the best that I can be, and hopefully being the best that I can be ends up being one of the greatest that ever lived.
Shane - Oh : Are there any lines out there you would be like for the future?
Akeem : None. I just want to be myself and for my brand itself also.

Shane - Oh : What designers do you look up to?
Akeem : Ummm... the only designers I'll like to say anything to is Marc Jacobs, Karl Lagerfield and Tom Ford. I just want to tell them that I'll love to work with them. 
Shane - Oh : What else can we expect from you in the future?
Akeem : Ummm... The unexpected ahaha. I don't even know what to expect from myself.
Shane - Oh : [Laughs.]
Akeem : Ahaha
Shane - Oh : Where can people contact you & make purchases?
Akeem : People can contact me at akstarlifestyle@gmail.com or on my YouTube channel www.youtube.com/flewhumblemartians and purchase the collection right off of my MySpace www.myspace.com/akstarfhm. My online site will be up very very soon.
Shane - Oh : Is there anything you would like to tell other designers & the people viewing A La Mode?
Akeem : To all the A La Mode viewers... watch out for the Spring / Summer Akstar Lifestyle collection and artwork, go watch Martian TV at www.youtube.com/flewhumblemartians, download Foot Tapping & Body Moving Vol. 1 and go check out my bro Nov Ganon's music! ahaha
Shane - Oh : lol thanks for your time
Akeem : No doubt man, thanks for interviewing me

Author : MartyaLaMode À La Mode is here to showcase all things Wavy.

Article AkStar Lifestyle is published by MartyaLaMode 3 Comment:


  1. Another Great Interview...Keep It Up Team AURA. & Akeem seems type cool.

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