Poetry Corner: "Woman & a Bitch" By @MartyaLaMode

Woman & a Bitch

I don't want to sound generic when I tell this, neither do I want to sound like I'm thrashing

our Earth cause I love her & respect it.

Now when I say Earth I refer to Women, our most valuable resource little respect

do they get for the life they bring forth.

On his own Adam couldn't survive so God, created Wo-Man from Man's rib so the 

Woman was meant to be by Man's side. But Woman

showed the first sign of a Bitch, making Adam eat of the forbidden fruit & the script

of their lives flipped. Man's job was & is to guide &

protect not to deceive & disrespect. Take initiative, set examples. The objective is to 

be effective. If she fails, you fail. If you fail, she fails,

unity must always prevail. See nowadays a Bitch will lead you to believe she's a Woman,

a Bitch will be busy out seeking attention, a Woman

will be worried bout handling her business. A Woman will stick by & help your

accomplishments. Unless it benefits her a Bitch will

be your downfall, and won't allow you to accomplish shit...

A Bitch will go as far as lie about being pregnant, a Woman understands the responsibility

of life and knows it's a gift & a present. Am I wrong about 

the difference between a Woman & a Bitch!? 

Look around yourself & tell me the answer that you get...

Author : MartyaLaMode À La Mode is here to showcase all things Wavy.

Article Poetry Corner: "Woman & a Bitch" By @MartyaLaMode is published by MartyaLaMode 1comments: