"Self Conflict" By: @Beckz

One of the Top 10 reasons for death throughout the ages can arguably be war, when two sides disagree on a particular matter they usually go to war against each other. War itself is conflict, which makes conflict very extreme but what happens when the war is within?

Right versus Wrong...
We all have disagreements within ourselves, the internal battle we face takes place in your "Conscience". The conscience is that little voice that pops up in our head when we think or are about to do something wrong. Your conscience plays both sides of the field when it comes to essentially Good or Evil. Based on the life you live shows whether your conscience exudes more Good or Evil thoughts. At times we are doing good or have good intentions in mind but that voice is attempting to make us do wrong, that guilty conscience & overall temptation is a strong force to deal with.

Needs versus Wants...
The other common fight that we have within ourselves is choosing between our "Needs" and "Wants".

Need: A requirement; necessary duty or obligation.

Want: A desire; to wish for or to feel the need for.

Although it is easy for some to make the distinction and choose between the two, a lot of people aren't as lucky. One example of a "Need" versus a "Want" is the mind versus the heart. This dilemma is mostly found going on between people on the dating scene. People fighting the urge to date someone they're really into, someone spontaneous, fun to be with, or makes them happy but lacks qualities needed to sustain a long lasting relationship. Depending on their place in life some people may rather seek someone they feel they need who may not be as fun, but more loyal, open, honest, ambitious and has some stability to them.

It appears to me that a lot of folks young and old didn't know that they only had one life to live until this year. We see people in our age demographic live carelessly all the time, and chalk it off as "Yolo" while some others try to live for the future. Some people seem to forget that they don't need to indulge in certain things, but their thirst for certain aspects often pushes them into neglecting the fact that they're simply wants. Contrary to popular belief, you can have fun and enjoy yourself all while handling your business & being responsible in life. To be quite honest aside from me and a few people in my crew that chose to live a humble, and peaceful life I've noticed most people choose the opposite.

In every war there's always a loser, a winner, followed by some type of casualty, and sadly the war within one's self is no different. The fact of the matter is one side will win and the other will lose. Depending which side wins you will either give birth to a better person and build character with every "Good" victory or end up destroying yourself.

"I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self"... - Aristotle

Author : MartyaLaMode À La Mode is here to showcase all things Wavy.

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