inspiration maybe ?

Where our peers inspire one another, by telling personal stories, feelings, or dreams. CHECK IT OUT ! You may find someone that aspires to do the same thing as you or even doing what you truly aspire to do. Some people who wrote gave up their well paying nine to five jobs to chase their dream, which goes to show with determination one can obtain anything. Although you may not agree with some peoples point of views none the less it makes you want to write about yourself, these people are people with visions, style, talent and you could tell by each black and white photo or few words. I've even seen some of these people in the street, and even though i may not know them personally in a sense i feel like i know them. Vulnerability is like a door to someones mind better yet soul. As you grow older you learn new things, your mentality may change [ some slower than others ], and you either fall into the statistics or strive to be greater than plain ol' Jane. I think Ive changed my goals about ten times, and now i think why not go for them all ? Whats stopping me ? I'm from a small town where everyone knows each other including their personal business and a small high school of five hundred kids you've known since kindergarten. I've had the same friends since 1995, and now that I'm in college meeting new people didn't come easy. But I've learned to network, be open minded, and take everything into consideration. So I've came up with a master plan to pursue each one of my dreams, and although i know it'll take time and I'll have to fail a million times before i taste sweet success i rather die doing something i love to do than to sit behind a crutty desk and follow what society may view as right. Why not be an entrepreneur and attempt to take over the world that can't be wrong ! School isn't for everyone but i value it, and actually love it ! I've learned so much and my first semester is close to an end, taking what Ive learned to better myself might be harder than obtaining the knowledge which has always been too easy. So i ramble to convince myself more than you all reading this that i should push myself and eventually the world will be at my leisure. Please go check out the website, it's good stuff !

x signed STEPHY B

Author : Stephy.B À La Mode is here to showcase all things Wavy.

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