"Black Men vs Black Women: Black Men in Brazil" By: - @MartyaLaMode

After being put on to the "Black Men in Brazil" documentary, I decided to take the time out to write about the topic of Black Men & Women. The documentary highlighted the fact that Black Men were taking trips & even going as far as to moving to Brazil to be with Brazilian women due to the lack of acceptance they received from Black Women. African Americans have become the majority in Brazil & African American men living in Brazil come in as the second highest area that they populate after Africa. Personally, I don't feel like I'm really in the position to have full opinions on the topic because I am still young myself but it's ridiculous that Black Men/Women feel that they're hurting one another by dating outside of their race, it is your life & you should be able to do as you please.

Before I actually get started I want to clarify that I believe who people choose to date should be their business, for whatever reason they choose. I don't agree with or support the idea of Black men basically giving up or running from Black women, and I think it shows cowardice. I also happen to believe that Black men catch more flack for dating outside of our race than our women do because on a broader scale(From what I've seen) most Black men don't care whether Black women date outside their race or not but Black women always seemed to care if we did.

Let's face it, I believe a lot of these Black men who may be flocking to Brazil or any other area just to seek love or fun from women are probably the men who NEVER got a woman they actually wanted in their life so they practically gave up, and garnered disinterest in their own neighborhood & race. If I date a woman that isn't Black it isn't because I'm tired of Black women, it's because I have an attachment plus love and respect for that person.

We're dealing with a time where every guy wants to be treated like a King, but why be or expect to be treated like a King if you aren't of said stature or deserving? Contrary to popular belief, there ARE Black women here in the United States that take care of their Black Men & vice versa. You want someone to wait on you hand and foot, then just be able to attract & maintain that.

A woman making more money than you doesn't make you any less of a man, your lack of being able to handle your obligations, role, and responsibilities do. A man can still take care of a woman if he makes less money, because being able to make someone happy or genuine love isn't difficult to display. I think people often forget that you don't have to be amongst the richest of people to be happy, live comfortably or to sweep a woman off her feet.

Money isn't the only thing in a relationship, but women want security all across the board & if you're unable to provide any sort of it you can't blame her for wanting more. If you're continuously chasing after a woman that has NO interest in you, that is clearly YOUR issue not hers. People in general have a tendency to chase after people who don't want them, then criticize or complain about the people the person they want actually chooses. I personally do NOT believe in a woman being out of "My League", not because I feel like I'm that good but because I feel like once given any chance or opportunity I can prove myself as not just a man but as a person. Now, a woman who has ZERO interest in me wouldn't care about what I'm doing, what I can deliver, or what I'm looking for and vice versa, why should she? Love and respect has been slowly diminishing over the generations, and pointing fingers or complaining won't make that any better.

It also really sounds idiotic that people make it seem like a world outside of your state or country was just discovered, of course there are different cultures & ways of life outside of your everyday living. Let's be realistic whenever you go on a vacation or out of town it's a regular feeling that where you are is much better than home & you don't want to leave. Now, as adults you must realize a vacation is just that, an intermission from your everyday life, what happens during this time at certain places isn't a realistic lifestyle for everyday regular workers. If you just want to have fun there isn't a problem with going away to indulge in a good time & partying BUT just having fun isn't going to build serious companionship. It's often said that women elsewhere treat men better, but I believe that thought stands for anywhere & anything. If you've only been local most of your life, you're going to be accustomed to local things so everybody is tired of people from where they reside.

Furthermore, any woman that respects a man WILL treat him as such, but most of us are too young to even be demanding the things that we do. We live in a generation where a lot of women can't cook, while men are showing better culinary skills & a lot of women are making more money than men, now does that make either less important or superior? No, not in the slightest.

Before you judge or utterly disrespect Black Women/Men as a whole, take the time out to list what you want then make a list of what you have to offer & be honest with yourself on whether you're deserving or not.

  • Are you even in the slightest able to keep a good relationship going?
  • Are you in the slightest able to deal with the issues you & your partner are having maturely?
  • All my life I've believed that a majority of women are more serious than men & I've never once doubted that.
  • Work for what you want. 
  • Kings attract Queens.
  • STOP complaining about what you don't want or care about & go out to get what you do want.

Author : MartyaLaMode À La Mode is here to showcase all things Wavy.

Article "Black Men vs Black Women: Black Men in Brazil" By: - @MartyaLaMode is published by MartyaLaMode 6 Comment:


  1. Everyone needs to really read this.

  2. A guy with sense

  3. I say BW let's start packing!...We to should go overseas..Once the novelty of the BM wears off we(BW) will still be a commodity...

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Keep telling yourself that mama.

    2. BW have been doing this for years in ITALY and FRANCE since post-slavery.
