Saddest Tweeters of Valentine's Day

As we all know today is Valentine's Day, and I must say as soon as the clock struck 12 my Twitter Timeline was bombarded & overwhelmed with Sadder Times. There was so much Sad on my Timeline that I decided to RT & count down some of the Sad, and watched how it spiraled into a deep cloud of darkness within the first 5 minutes into Valentine's Day. I decided to commemorate some of these sad individuals, and here are some of the Saddentine's Day tweets from The Sadangle Offense known as @_Salakito @EjikeTheGreat & @TurbanLord
Just observe how the Sad just oozes from his 140 character or less tweets. Salakito couldn't even wait for 12 o'clock to reach, he started trying to unite all Sad beings at 11:58, and lost all composure by 12:05.
YoW, he just really told us that the ONLY chick that loves him is Hennessy. It was ONLY 7 minutes into Valentine's day.
Observe how he was just flustered with emotions, a "LMFAO" at 12:15AM to drinking his own tears just to provide himself with sufficient fluids to release once again at 12:18AM.

The Sadness levels were astounding with this individual, just take a look at how unbelievable the Sadness he bears is.
Do you know how Sad you have to be to find happiness in cashews!?
Chronicles of the Sad & Beardless...
This man had a revelation that it was 11 days & umpteen hours after immersing himself into Usher's "Confessions" album.
Not only did he want to take a walk in the 1:03AM rain, but 54 minutes later he realized his cashews, the one thing that brought him happiness an hour earlier were too salty. When you take away the one thing that makes a man happy, Lord knows he'll be doused with Sadness.
10 minutes into Saddentine's Day and Trini couldn't control himself, there was ZERO composure in his Sadness.
Do you realize how much Sadness is bottled up in someone who can listen to Drake while watching a documentary on the rise of the Cocaine epidemic which resulted in high murder rates in the 80's!?

Honorable Saddentine's Day Mentions...

This guy was so ecstatic bout free premium Porn Hub videos on Valentine's Day that he grabbed the Crisco out of the kitchen all in the name of Fap, Cocoa Butter, and the 25% more bottle of Jergens just weren't enough for him.

Happy Saddentine's Day

Author : MartyaLaMode À La Mode is here to showcase all things Wavy.

Article Saddest Tweeters of Valentine's Day is published by MartyaLaMode 5 Comment: