C'mon Lebron

Now that the hype & excitement around Lebron James' free agency decisions have simmered, I think people need to realize how our city officials are full of sh*t. New York has no money for our Public School System & the M.T.A but has the money to run a damn campaign in an attempt to beg Lebron James to come to the New York Knicks/New Jersey Nets. New York has a multi-billion dollar deficit(I think it's about 9.2 billion) on their hands but can find money to pour out for a Lebron campaign. I was told by Varsity( @Reemaveli ) that the Knicks paid for the Lebron campaign, but their campaign happened to be a different one. I've tried to find statistics/figures on how much money was spent on this campaign & $3,500 on t-shirts is the only amount of money I can stumble upon. $3,500!? I don't think anyone will believe that's all the money that was spent but ok sure, I can't find how much money was spent but I damn sure was able to find how much money they think Lebron can bring to N.Y. I may be the only one who finds these turn of events interesting, and hey I may even be wrong about them shelling out large amounts of money but I feel that's just something we need to think about.

Here are the two key points I keep bumping into about Lebron's campaign, but of course this was easy to find.
  • If the Nets or Knicks would of acquired Lebron the city would generate $3.6 mil each Playoff game(if they got there).
  • an N.B.A Championship would equal almost $60 mil into our economy.

Author : MartyaLaMode À La Mode is here to showcase all things Wavy.

Article C'mon Lebron is published by MartyaLaMode 0 Comment:


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