A Crime For All Seasons.

Now i can't pinpoint my style, but i traded in my original 1994 Jordan's [ 10's ] and pull over hoodies for vintage renewal boots and frocks a few years back. Street wear isn't really my "forte", but i must say I'm very open minded and like to try new things. As "Big B" also known as my mother says I'm very defiant, so when i read about HELLZ BELLZ theme of questioning authority and society and targeting non-conforming females it was as if they directed it to ME. I'm against being traditional, obeying the rules, playing the "game". When HELLZ BELLZ was first brought to my attention i got the idea it was mainly graphic tees, boy was i WRONG. So for pre-judging i decided to redeem myself, so here's to the "answer to the male dominated street contemporary genre".

x Signed Stephy.B

Author : Stephy.B À La Mode is here to showcase all things Wavy.

Article A Crime For All Seasons. is published by Stephy.B 1comments: