Sneaky Steve

So I'm in my Recreation Room 
on the laptop lounging, drinking
 a shake I just blended. I happened to 
bump into these on Urban Outfitters.

Now actually these are the real shoes that caught
 my attention after I looked up Sneaky Steve.
These Big Al Lo's Sneaky Steve's 
remind me of old London chic style. 

These Swap Sneaky Steve's look like a 
collaboration of Oxford Lace Ups and

Lastly the Big Al Mid Series of The Sneaky 
Steve's which I think I like the most. 
These Wingtip Leather Sneakers will be 
added to my collection, and I will be 
throwing them on with my skinny tie and vest.

  - Mr DoT{.} McFly

Author : MartyaLaMode À La Mode is here to showcase all things Wavy.

Article Sneaky Steve is published by MartyaLaMode 1comments: